Making An Impression!
Health: Having a great business, being a great boss, changing the world, can be significantly harder if you’re fighting health issues. And as you age, you start having excuses on why your body is just fine because you look around and everyone around you is flabby with health issues, just like you.
Well, this isn’t the way to lead a fulfilling life and after reading Bigger Leaner Stronger by Michael Matthews, I better understand how my body works and how to maintain my health. I can’t recommend him highly enough if you’re interested in taking control of your health and training and eating for good results.
I use the app MyFitnessPal to help me control my portion sizes and how the amount of energy I’m intaking on a daily basis, or in other words, how many calories I’m consuming. But without a kitchen scale, it becomes incredibly difficult to do this, so I recommend it. People will laugh at you and think you’re eccentric but they’ll soon lay off once they see how well you’re progressing.
Personal Presentation: A Guide to Style. I learnt a lot about men’s style thanks to the work of Antonio Centeno. If you want to put your best foot forward, you should learn about self-presentation. No one who’s serious about business should be careless about their dress. This isn’t because you want to be vain or gimmicky, but because you owe it to yourself to actually present yourself the way you see yourself, regardless of your style.