Small Business Consulting Services

We help small business owners thrive.

Ask Seek Knock Consultancy provides various business support services to help a small business stay afloat in these challenging times. We offer a business health check, analyse a company’s organisation & administrative processes, determine how personal productivity can be improved, and help implement a remote team if needed.

These small business consulting services are crucial to the efficiency of a small business so that the customer experience is not affected. We have all been on the receiving end of being promised one thing through a company’s marketing efforts but then our actual experience with that company left us disappointed.

If you want to know where your business is bottlenecked, or you already know and want to get some help in fixing it, then get in touch!

Business Health Check


Organisation and Administration Improvement


Improve Your Personal


Why Work With Us?

Free business health check

When we say we want to help, we mean it. If you would like a free 30 minute conversation with us while we walk through your business with our personalised business health checks, then by all means, give us a call or send over an email and we’ll arrange a time.

We are based in Australia

We are an Australian based business, but we partner with people all across the world who are freelancers that can help us with specific needs. We aren’t tied down to sourcing work or partners from a particular geographic area, and neither should you be in finding solutions.

We don’t charge by the hour

We don’t believe in charging by the hour for work because then a subtle shift in mindset occurs as innovation becomes stifled and efficiency becomes stagnant. Subconsciously we just want to keep the status quo as is so we don’t work ourselves out of a contract by being too efficient. That’s bad business by us, and bad value for you. So we decided it’s better that we charge for the value we add, not the effort we put in.

Our work history

Since Benard was a child at only 12 years old, he has worked in various family businesses, which included a state-wide franchised food take away chain, a family gym owned and operated for 25 years, and a legal firm. In other words, you’re dealing with someone who understands the joys and frustrations of small and family run businesses and who can provide realistic solutions and help.

Call us now or email us a request and after we get a better idea of the scope of the project, then we can provide a quote that means something instead of providing an arbitrary figure just to cover our costs.